Chef Boyardee is love

{{NSFW}}>be me, 11
>I'm praying to my pic of chef Boyardee
>it's time for lunch
>me mum made me a hotdog
>I throw it on the ground, chef Boyardee would not be happy if I ate that
>I start cooking the can of ravioli
>me mum tells me I can't eat it
>I hear a low rumble from far away
>it gets louder
>I tell me mum, "you haves sinned against the chef"
>our front door gets kicked down as chef Boyardee comes in
>he breaks every bone in me mums body, as he forces her into a can and puts it in the microwave at high
>the microwave exploads
>the chef sees my Chef Boyardee bracelets, and my neck less made out of his cans
>he looks pleased by my presence
>he then takes a can opener and shoves it up my butthole
>he then shoves his mighty cock up my ass
>he cums in tasty marinara sauce
>before jumping out my window he says, "filled with essancal vitamins and minerals"
>I pray to Chef Boyardee every day
>chef is love, chef is life